David Grieve

Executive DM (Dishwasher & Mechanic)

40 yrs Fabrication Experience

30 yr background in General Aviation specializing in Corporate Jet Aircraft.

Business Management Degree - Friends University

Airframe & Powerplant License - FAA

Private Pilot License - FAA

Electronic Technologies - MCC

Training in: Six Sigma, JIT, PBM

Currently specializing in build assist projects or contracted build services.

OGMAN is just an acronym for Old Guy Manufacturing. However, it has become a bit more of a philosophy as this journey of being self sufficient takes shape. The “Board of Directors” for OGMAN is a group of individuals that have acquired certain talents through the years, all needed to move the goal forward. So, OGMAN is more a movement for rugged individualism, helping others achieve their build goals and always following God and believing in Hope and Love.